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  Summer Championship 2024
Battle Feed
APFourtySeven vs RhymeSmoke
Style: Written Blind Drop
2 Votes 4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars4.75 stars

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Audio GC 2022
Length: 90 Seconds · Retries: No · Beat: A cappella (No Beat) · Produced By: * A cappella or Custom

Rican (0%) Lost
Ranked #-- This Month (#-- All Time)
6.86/10 stars6.86/10 stars6.86/10 stars6.86/10 stars6.86/10 stars6.86/10 stars6.86/10 stars6.86/10 stars6.86/10 stars6.86/10 stars
Reppin: Unknown
Rowdy is on FIRE! 5+ wins in a row!Rowdy (100%) Won
Ranked #-- This Month (#-- All Time)
8.17/10 stars8.17/10 stars8.17/10 stars8.17/10 stars8.17/10 stars8.17/10 stars8.17/10 stars8.17/10 stars8.17/10 stars8.17/10 stars
Crew: DedSec
Reppin: Buffalo, New York, United States


Voting has ended for this battle (battle finished on 2022-01-27 06:00:53).



Congratulations on getting to the semi-fianls, gentlemen. You have till the 26th @11:59pm to get your bars in, best of luck.

Posted on: 2022-01-22 08:16:00 Private Message Óðinn

really good effort from Rican ( is that guts btw ? you well sound like him ) was a well paced and clean drop i had your guys more or less matched for punches tho some of Ricans seemed a bit more forced in places but what sealed it for me was the energy that Rowdy bought to the table it allowed the bars to come off more impactful only critique would be that you have that kinda style where you sound like your spitting to a beat thats not there ...i would have like your flow to have sounded more natural was somewhat more engaging none the less due to the harder delvery

fv is here

great battle

Gl to the winner

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-27 06:44:00 Private Message DeadTRI



Ace Ease

Posted on: 2022-01-22 09:07:22 Private Message Letum


Live Battler

hurry up you cock sucking pussies may the best man win good luck both you cunts 

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-23 07:41:56 Private Message FightsAndRapMedia

ACs up in here.

Posted on: 2022-01-23 11:04:30 Private Message EtH


Staff Hall of Famer
LB Historian
LetsBeef Patriarch
Creative Genius

Battle of the Round, I'm calling it now, eat ya wheaties, brush ya teeth, do whatever y'all need to do to prepare for this CLASH OF THE TITANS!!

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-23 18:55:45 Private Message Student

Sorry for the no show verse.

Posted on: 2022-01-27 00:00:44 Private Message Rican

Sike, I lied.

Posted on: 2022-01-27 00:02:45 Private Message Rican

He got Biggie as his Avatar, which only SHOWS HE A FAST THINKER; and becoming Staff's Sweet, better POSE ON THEM WACK CHEATERS; audios with eth? wait.. im out my mind.. you done stole so many Lines, I could be battling PHROXEN or MASKED REAPER!

See yo bad scheming bitch you couldn't CARRY THE STEALTH; i was Digging up dirt on you and damn near BURRIED MYSELF!

All that potential while CLOSING YA OWN DOORS; you was Running round biting, next Friday, s'all Chico was KNOWN FOR!

When We saw that Self Voting was LINGERING IN HIS PLANS; ironically at that time Sticky FINGAZ WAS GETTIN SLAMMED!

So Banning his IP would never FIND THIS VOID; somehow Mr Costa Rica become an ISLAND BOY!

It's RAP TIME! Start cheating im PLOTTIN TO FLATLINE; Like the Superbowl, you'll need a DOCTOR BY HALFTIME!

Sam Smith's 'Not The Only One' that's PANICKING IN DANGER, cause battling him gon have yo ass 'DANCING WITH A STRANGER!'

And you voters fucking up, letting The WEAKEST CLOWNS, with no receipts of grippin heat claiming they SQUEEZE THE POUND; have him looking like CONWAY,(the machine) a Hook will LEAN HIS FROWN; Thats Griselda at Micky Dee's, the MACHINE IS DOWN!

Yo live battle wild, man it sounded TOO DAMN PERFECT; minus the stumbles, chokes, boy you almost BLEW CAM SURFACE; It was a 'Movie!' Bitch you stole my style and tried to 'Walk Thru Cam'But they aint wanna see the BOOTLEG VERSION!

What a circus! lost to Fidel, now 'Missy' HURTIN! You lose a battle but you learn what's GIVIN IS THE PURPOSE! It was Mainly Rebuttals, Fiddy took yo round, he put that thang down, FLIPPED IT AND REVERSED IT!

So You predicting what I say become my BRAGGING RIGHTS; cause you'ont bring shit to the table.. but ya APETITE!

I'll smack this dike just to reveal his faggot type. You Blast in fights? Pussy you prilly scratch and bite

I lay low that man Chico no problem like waycodinero en mi cabeza aint got enough PESOS!Papi gon lose the round, he die when me SAY SO!How it started? HOE-KAYHow it's going? K.O!

Posted on: 2022-01-27 00:04:09 Private Message Rowdy

Hoe-kay! It's Rican against LB's Rhonda Rhousey. You all might as well CROWN ME. For the new listeners, I'm known to 'Push Punk' enough to be on 'edge' & want to be OUTTIE . Last time, we beefed & he 'stormed' out causin A LOUD SCENE right after I told this track hall of famer his OUTREACH WASLOUSY. He used my voice on a track titled 'Punchline Station', which gave him record views just for some Letsbeef CLOUT, B. IT'S WILD SEE, this CHILD BE my #1 Stan & he'll say it PROUDLY. He beat Matrix but 'won't be able to stop this reign' with angles LB already know ABOUT ME. 'Island Punches' like Boxing Matches in MAUI. I'm catching him, DROWZY. 'under the weather' this time, stealing 'son shine': IT's CLOUDY. I'll be in his COUNTY. All 2022, I'm outside with 2 ratchets: what's that mean? in usual fashion, 1's finna get ROWDY!!! ALLOW ME to state that he is SCARED TO GO AGAINST THE MOST SAVAGE OF CHALLANGERS /it's APPARENT, WE'RE NOT IN THE SAME CLASS OR IN MATCHED CALIBURS. I got a 'blade, with an issue'.. that will cause a scene against this rowdy bitch, like a KAREN ASKIN' FOR A MANAGER!!!///He'll clearly not ready to 'drive up to the finals', nor got the skills to show for it.../chauffeur it so he better stay in the BACK AS A PASSANGER!!/Couple of hooks will leave their 'noodle cooked': ASIAN CUISINE! The way I view-your-skills? Similiar to a Deleted 'Blooper Reel', it REMAINS TO BE SCENE! The blade just might get 'stuck in ya'... like his favorite song PLAYS ON REPEAT. I'm not AIMING TO PLEASE. It's either my BLADE TO THE CHEEK or Shoot you in front everbody, till 'everyone sees the shot', like it's the PLAY OF THE WEEK!!!

Posted on: 2022-01-27 00:05:04 Private Message Rican


Rowdy aka Punk has used the Rhonda/CM Punk persona on the forums. He is straight edge.

When he first started on the website, he had me on a list where he consider me one of the top goats on the website.

In our last feud, he uploaded Punchline Station on his personal youtube and the track views surpassed all his previous track uploads. He ended up deleting the video when the mods ended up giving me the Punchline Station custom title.

Karen's are usually rowdy and escalating issues with managers. He's usually the one trying to escalate certain issues on the website and have a whole karen meltdown.

Play of the week, highlight real, repeated shots.

Posted on: 2022-01-27 00:15:18 Private Message Rican

Grand Champion
2x Premier League Champion
Cypher Champion
Scheme Champion

One Bar King
The Demon

This battle was dope. Some serious punches on both sides. Flow was probably edged by Rowdy, Multis by Rican...

hard decision.... Both delivered their shit really well and just a few solid punches seperated you both. 

Fair vote in. GL to both 

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-27 05:06:32 Private Message Masked-Reaper

Content wise it was about even. I think ones delivery and flow variations with some comedic relief sprinkled in took this for me. Ones delivery and flow felt a bit choppy in places and that took away from some of the punches. Fairs in

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-27 16:33:03 Private Message Xercius

Summer Champion
Discord Battler

Entertaining listen from both of ya'll.. Punches, personals, multis and about everything you'd expect to hear at this stage of a tournament. I just feel like one of ya'll went the extra mile of packing in the most meaningful punches, personals, etc and delivered it well. The fair is in.

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-27 16:35:12 Private Message Godbody

Rican kind of lacked energy here, but I liked what he had to say, some nice rhymes, but stumbled just a little bit.

Rowdy had the energy and some bars man. Can't really pick it apart too much, "flipped it and reverse it" just went off at the end, flow was nuts. Ye this is the winner here.

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-27 19:48:23 Private Message Plus1elf

Calling me guts is disrespectful

Posted on: 2022-01-27 22:25:07 Private Message Rican

7-9. Loved the energy from Rowdy. I feel like Rican had some nice bars but his delivery was lacking here. Great showing tho and props for not no showing

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-28 03:34:58 Private Message Blue Hulk

*writing skill was tied. but Punk wrote in a way that allowed his flow to develop over the course of the verse. and he used less multis that allowed a smooth, less choppy flow. *delivery was far better from Punk. Ric had decent delivery. but it was monotone at times and there was a slip or two. Punk also had a better cadence. that he switched up. and used to his advantage as far as tempo and copying cadence/flow pattern from well known songs. ts hard to do that midstream. i heard a transition towards the end that wasnt quite as clean but still hard to pull off and an extremely minor thing. punk had an advanced delivery here. *concepts n punches.. Ric was good. i like his drop overall n he had some fresh shit. personal too. a played concept or two but overall dope n well above average. but, punk had more direct shots n slighlty better conceptually with his punches. i think this is close but punk decidingly won. good battle 1000 in. 

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-28 12:32:14 Private Message Wayco

 punks energy and swag were per usual top notch, while rican kinda had a sleepy sound to his verse. in terms of punches, i think ric threw more jabs in, but i mean, it's not like anything really landed, at least for me. i've seen much better from ric so it's dissapointing. punk leaned on his presentation more so then his punches, but still, his punches hit harder. closer was hilarious. 

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-28 15:26:31 Private Message JORMUNGANDR

Rowdy Rowdy! Look at you go! AC's

Posted on: 2022-01-28 19:03:27 Private Message Skitt_Blazin

Alright, first time voting on a battle in a couple years, so I don't wanna get caught up in that whole "LetsBeef Voters Are Too Caught Up In The Small Things" shit.

Straight up, Rican even though I think Island / I land is played, the boxing matches in maui punch still hit hard for me, and was my favourite punch from you. The main thing that hurt your verse for me is, it didn't feel like you meant the words, like you just didnt have enough aggression in it, even the part where you went multi heavy, I was expecting your voice to kind of carry that part, and it just wasn't coming off super clean / smooth. My one piece of advice would be, keep enough breath for the ending of the bar, or rhyme heavy parts, so you can really bring the bar to life, you can even make a half decent bar sound much better than it is, using this method.

Alright, so with Punks verse, you can see the clear difference that putting more emphasis and aggression in your voice makes. Even when he changes his voice to clown you, it all adds to the final recipe, that combined with a couple more punches that I thought were fire, ultimately led me to vote for Punk. I think both of you guys wasted time with big set ups, that didnt have the fire punchline at the end. You woulda been better off putting in like 2-4 simple but slick one liners.

I hope my vote was explained well enough for both of you, and wish you both the best of luck, both have put in alot of time on the site, and deserve to be here!

7-8 PUNK.

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-30 00:32:10 Private Message Seul


Live Battler

rican .. god dam it you under performed this is letums kind of leval ... this torni fucked up as soon as i got fucked over, rowdy congrats on the torni win

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-30 09:37:54 Private Message FightsAndRapMedia

Both did well im rollin wit rowdy on this due to an overall more impactful and entertaining drop .........rican was very good just a tad badic in comparison no hate thanks for a good listen fairs in SALUTE💯

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-30 15:34:48 Private Message ALL-BORO


Staff Hall of Famer
LB Historian
LetsBeef Patriarch
Creative Genius

This was FLAMES!! Writing-wise this was neck & neck, with both showing out their history of text battling, audio-wise is was a different story though. Rican, your flow was just off, IDK just didn't seem confident in what you wrote and you had a few stumbles in there too, not great things to have especially in the semi-finals of a tournament. Rowdy, you came correct w/ the flow & cadence here, audio was clear and direct. Overall I've gotta give this to Rowdy straight up, was just better then Rican here, would definitely like to see a rematch, don't stop audio battling @ Rican, you've advanced a lot these past few battles man, you were just outclassed here. Rowdy, you had a few filler lines towards the end that you could've cleaned up but this was dam near perfect. Keep elevating y'all!

Voted: Yes (Hidden)
Posted on: 2022-01-30 15:50:10 Private Message Student



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