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Unread 10-07-2024, 01:35 PM
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Question Rhyme Schemes and Voting

First off, this isn't a whining thread nor taking shots or starting shit thread.

I'm genuinely interested to know how others approach multi sets when reading and voting and to have a good conversation with the community on this topic.

If you read a bunch of multis from a person who knows how to write but they don't seem to rhyme for you. Do you state their multis are off/don't rhyme? Or... do you notice they aren't from your 'neck of the woods', therefore didn't write their bars in your accent?

Is it a contributing factor in your voting process and overall judgement of the battle if the battlers multis don't sound how you would say them?


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Unread 10-07-2024, 01:35 PM   #1
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Question Rhyme Schemes and Voting

First off, this isn't a whining thread nor taking shots or starting shit thread.

I'm genuinely interested to know how others approach multi sets when reading and voting and to have a good conversation with the community on this topic.

If you read a bunch of multis from a person who knows how to write but they don't seem to rhyme for you. Do you state their multis are off/don't rhyme? Or... do you notice they aren't from your 'neck of the woods', therefore didn't write their bars in your accent?

Is it a contributing factor in your voting process and overall judgement of the battle if the battlers multis don't sound how you would say them?


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Unread 10-07-2024, 03:10 PM
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52 Won / 9 Lost

i give the writer the benefit of the doubt usually, got people here from all over the world. But If the multi is super forced or doesnt make any sense? it is def gonna make an impact on my vote.
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Unread 10-07-2024, 03:10 PM   #2
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i give the writer the benefit of the doubt usually, got people here from all over the world. But If the multi is super forced or doesnt make any sense? it is def gonna make an impact on my vote.
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Unread 10-07-2024, 03:24 PM
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Pretty much what @Purps said above.

Im the same. If its insanely forced/awkward wording then yeah, that'll go againt you... if the rhymes a lil more than a slant etc, nah
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Unread 10-07-2024, 03:24 PM   #3
Estimated Skill in Audio: 7.43/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.43/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.43/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.43/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.43/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.43/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.43/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.43/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.43/10 starsEstimated Skill in Audio: 7.43/10 stars
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Pretty much what @Purps said above.

Im the same. If its insanely forced/awkward wording then yeah, that'll go againt you... if the rhymes a lil more than a slant etc, nah
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Unread 10-07-2024, 06:52 PM
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i know its text, but i try to read it outloud as a audio per say...some shit works, some dont
Ohs is a small step from Miz K Pittbull's level, I won't hafta put in much effort 'til I meet RULE -Spooky Deep

Ill Just Ask Someone Whose Facial Hair Doesn't Have Its Own Ecosystem - Lizman
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Unread 10-07-2024, 06:52 PM   #4
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i know its text, but i try to read it outloud as a audio per say...some shit works, some dont
Ohs is a small step from Miz K Pittbull's level, I won't hafta put in much effort 'til I meet RULE -Spooky Deep

Ill Just Ask Someone Whose Facial Hair Doesn't Have Its Own Ecosystem - Lizman
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Unread 10-07-2024, 07:40 PM
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24 Won / 5 Lost

Originally Posted by Ohs View Post
i know its text, but i try to read it outloud as a audio per say...some shit works, some dont
So, you're saying you see if it rhymes in your accent and then base it off that?

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Unread 10-07-2024, 07:40 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Ohs View Post
i know its text, but i try to read it outloud as a audio per say...some shit works, some dont
So, you're saying you see if it rhymes in your accent and then base it off that?
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Unread 10-07-2024, 08:33 PM
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3 Won / 1 Lost

I’m American lol where are you from?
Ohs is a small step from Miz K Pittbull's level, I won't hafta put in much effort 'til I meet RULE -Spooky Deep

Ill Just Ask Someone Whose Facial Hair Doesn't Have Its Own Ecosystem - Lizman
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Unread 10-07-2024, 08:33 PM   #6
Estimated Skill in Text: 8.36/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.36/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.36/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.36/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.36/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.36/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.36/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.36/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.36/10 starsEstimated Skill in Text: 8.06/10 stars
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I’m American lol where are you from?
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Unread 10-07-2024, 08:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Ohs View Post
I’m American lol where are you from?
Wasn't what I asked you.

Also: 'I'm from America' is irrelevant ad there's a plethora of accents here too.

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Unread 10-07-2024, 08:43 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Ohs View Post
I’m American lol where are you from?
Wasn't what I asked you.

Also: 'I'm from America' is irrelevant ad there's a plethora of accents here too.
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Unread 10-08-2024, 08:31 AM
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I generally try to say them in different accents and forms to see if I can get a just of what they are going for and give the battler a benefit of a doubt. You usually can tell if something is super forced and 100% will go against you.

Good topic of discussion @Bav

It's An LoV Thing:

WTF Yuck

Steelnkillz - Fighting In The Club
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Unread 10-08-2024, 08:31 AM   #8
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I generally try to say them in different accents and forms to see if I can get a just of what they are going for and give the battler a benefit of a doubt. You usually can tell if something is super forced and 100% will go against you.

Good topic of discussion @Bav

It's An LoV Thing:

WTF Yuck

Steelnkillz - Fighting In The Club
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Unread 10-08-2024, 12:07 PM
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4 Won / 4 Lost

Tough for text because it's ways to make shit rhyme when you actually spittin it outloud...slang, accent..
Spoiler for 💀🔥DISS TRACKS🔥💀:

"#Facts"Fatzooka & Odin Diss🖕

"It Takes A Village"-Village Idiot Diss🖕

Spoiler for The Real OG:

Spoiler for The Barzooka aka 2Coochie:

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Unread 10-08-2024, 12:07 PM   #9
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Tough for text because it's ways to make shit rhyme when you actually spittin it outloud...slang, accent..
Spoiler for 💀🔥DISS TRACKS🔥💀:

"#Facts"Fatzooka & Odin Diss🖕

"It Takes A Village"-Village Idiot Diss🖕

Spoiler for The Real OG:

Spoiler for The Barzooka aka 2Coochie:

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Unread 10-08-2024, 03:25 PM
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24 Won / 5 Lost

Originally Posted by Blocc View Post
I generally try to say them in different accents and forms to see if I can get a just of what they are going for and give the battler a benefit of a doubt. You usually can tell if something is super forced and 100% will go against you.

Good topic of discussion @Bav
Bet. For myself if it is glaringly clear that they don't rhyme then i'll dock a few points but if its something that i can stretch myself to fit and isn't too far off, then i put it down to accent. Especially if the person actually has some dope bars and can structure their shit then its more accent and not talent.

I've seen a few battles where its more of a case of trying to 'make the rhyme scheme work' and so they end up with weird and awkward/forced wording and also in some places ends up not rhyming etc.

Funny, right now i'm trying to think of a few examples off the top of my head and my minds drawing a blank, always the way lol.

Originally Posted by RhymeSmoke View Post
Tough for text because it's ways to make shit rhyme when you actually spittin it outloud...slang, accent..

Yeah, exactly. Why i wanted to have this discussion for text.

To me, the dumbest shit is: "Your multis weren't rhyming/they were off rhyme wise/i said that shit out loud and it didn't rhyme"... "My bad, i'll write in your accent next time then, huh?" lol

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Unread 10-08-2024, 03:25 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Blocc View Post
I generally try to say them in different accents and forms to see if I can get a just of what they are going for and give the battler a benefit of a doubt. You usually can tell if something is super forced and 100% will go against you.

Good topic of discussion @Bav
Bet. For myself if it is glaringly clear that they don't rhyme then i'll dock a few points but if its something that i can stretch myself to fit and isn't too far off, then i put it down to accent. Especially if the person actually has some dope bars and can structure their shit then its more accent and not talent.

I've seen a few battles where its more of a case of trying to 'make the rhyme scheme work' and so they end up with weird and awkward/forced wording and also in some places ends up not rhyming etc.

Funny, right now i'm trying to think of a few examples off the top of my head and my minds drawing a blank, always the way lol.

Originally Posted by RhymeSmoke View Post
Tough for text because it's ways to make shit rhyme when you actually spittin it outloud...slang, accent..

Yeah, exactly. Why i wanted to have this discussion for text.

To me, the dumbest shit is: "Your multis weren't rhyming/they were off rhyme wise/i said that shit out loud and it didn't rhyme"... "My bad, i'll write in your accent next time then, huh?" lol
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