bottom line here is autograph was doing his job as an FVC member, answering requests... did he make the right choice as far as voting on a former teammates battle as soon as he left AC'S ..its subject to ones belief and some peeps might've waited or abstain, and others may not have.. he felt he was doing his duty as an fvc member to answer the request in his thread ,and being that he was no longer part of AC'S , technically the battle was fair game to vote on... he didnt think there was anything wrong, and from an ethical standpoint, it may have been.. but it all comes down to live and learn for next time... auto is a hard worker and consistently votes to the best of his ability, and he cant please everyone.. cut him some slack and let him help serve you the way hes tryin to do... this ish is fuckin petty imo....thread closed
Last edited by ILLoKWENT; 04-25-2014 at 04:01 AM.