Yea, niggas are biased around these parts, I mean daddio can come back and write the weakest verse of all time & still grab the w against a no name. People just look at the familiar name and just decide on the dot who'd win without seeing the verses, im off topic but yea thanks for the vp thang.
Yea, niggas are biased around these parts, I mean daddio can come back and write the weakest verse of all time & still grab the w against a no name. People just look at the familiar name and just decide on the dot who'd win without seeing the verses, im off topic but yea thanks for the vp thang.
Yea, niggas are biased around these parts, I mean daddio can come back and write the weakest verse of all time & still grab the w against a no name. People just look at the familiar name and just decide on the dot who'd win without seeing the verses, im off topic but yea thanks for the vp thang.
Yea, niggas are biased around these parts, I mean daddio can come back and write the weakest verse of all time & still grab the w against a no name. People just look at the familiar name and just decide on the dot who'd win without seeing the verses, im off topic but yea thanks for the vp thang.