Devil and our SOUL song
fuck you getting near
hallucinating lights when theres no lights turned on
and i can see on my wall a shadow is getting clear
its not a screen but it sure does look like it
am i hooked up in this game forever
getting shooked up
in my dreams im getting raped
in reality im enslaved
who cares if its only a imagination of the brain
i can hear the train going by on the outside but what if im really on that train
that train is headed straight to hell ill blend the shit together with heaven dreamer john lennon
now he had a mind he could connect all the seven
hells together and add abit of heaven
but what if if theres eleven
more pieces to connect
we gotta be certain its our souls that gets the effect
fuck you i know how this game works i been playing it since before i was born
you think being lost is going to happen forever?
why you think they call me peter pan the lost boy
i created neverland with my heart and my soul
and you fucking trying to take it is making my mind blown
and honestly the level i play at you couldnt understand this all forms together its just like the circles of life
so there we go im trying to take control i dont wanna grow old i wanna end the circle of our demented bones getting cold
well fuck that ill die young if the devil is not in control
ill fkin take ur soul
and in the afterlife do not worry bout my soul ill return at the exact right time and date
so many people afraid of these concepts including myself
theres so many ways to go so many plans to plan
to execute this perfectly
and to execute it perfectly you need precission you cannot let someone effect your brain to the point of you loosing sight of what is infront of you
just look through this sniper scope
do you see all the people trying to cope?
trying to live in hope?
that the devil is infact our homie and that he does not have control over our souls
merge the fucking shit together god damn churches
creating sides, we need sides, we need that shit i get it, you want something similiar.
but you need forgiveness and let yourselfs be forgiven and not letting all the pain take over