Uploading Tracks and Creating Crews for Non-Exclusive Users
First off I would like to thank all of the exclusive members who contribute to the site and encourage all members who are not yet exclusive to become exclusive members to enjoy the countless benefits that it brings.
As of today we ask that Exclusive members do not upload tracks or create crews for non-exclusive members.
The benefits of uploading tracks and creating crews are for exclusive members only and if a user would like those benefits they should purchase an exclusive subscription which come at a very very reasonable price.
If you post a track for a non-exclusive user you will be asked to take it down. You may be subject to infraction for posting content or creating crews for users other than yourself.
*Obviously collaboration tracks that you are part of are permitted.
Q: Can I insert an intro or outro to a track and say technically I am on the track
Q: Is it up to staff to decide if the track is indeed a collaboration and not an attempt at working around the rule and cheating the system?