
01-03-2013, 11:37 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 24,926
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Ranked Text Record 99 Won / 0 Lost
Inductee: Meta4 / MahVulus
Hall Of Fame Inductee
Hall Of Famer
So AmaZin!!!
Hall Of Famer
Hall Of Famer
Grand Champion
Meta4 aka So AmAzIn was one of the original swag battlers. Much in the mold of Conceited (although more advanced), MahVulus battled with flow and an insane punch count, and could carry a multi scheme throughout an entire 16 with a haymaker punchline in every bar. Beating the greats such as Real Talk & LEFT FIELD is no mean feat, and it's one that - with his swagger - MahVulus made it look decidedly easy. Another one the LetsBeef original heavyweights, MahVulus went on to win a Grand Championship with Meta4 before revealing that he was also So AmAzIn, which shocked LB to it's core at the time. Both of these accounts - and now MahVulus - gained serious respect, notoriety and recognition for the incredible skill level and swagger displayed in every battled. MahVulus has proved - over 3 seperate names - why he is one of LetsBeef's greatest of all time.
Known Multi Accounts & Aliases
MahVulus became famous for his multi accounts. At the peak of his activity, had you asked anyone who the top 5 battlers on LetsBeef were, most people would probably mention both of his accounts, unaware that they were in fact the same person. Those accounts are: So AmaZin!!! & Meta4
Crew Afflications
Over his three accounts MahVulus has mainly stayed crewless or as an integral member of the crew: Lyrical Killaz.
Present: I AM GOD (Founder & Leader)
Past: Lyrical Killaz (Leader)
Most Acclaimed Victories
Always offering quotable punchlines, MahVulus has beaten virtually every legend the site has to offer. His greatest battle though, it could be argued, was vs himself, when MahVulus and Meta4 went toe to toe in an epic, legendary 32.
MahVulus Vs Meta4
Meta4 Vs BEAST Lee
remarK Vs MahVulus
Mikey DeNiro Vs MahVulus
Site Impact
MahVulus aka So AmAzIn!! aka Meta4 was the original stuck up, egotistical, swaggalicious textcee. That's how he made his stamp, arguable influencing artists like DeNiro B Mlik, Mani Mula and TopNotch in battle technique and persona.
Letsbeef Speaks
"Mahvulus, better known to me as Meta4. A solid "Golden Era" heavy hitter who stood his ground with the best of the best from virtually the birth of Letsbeef.com. Don't be fooled, it was no coincidence this mans name was Meta4 for a reason. He successfully brought creative, original concepts into the Text battle scene that was known throughout the site. From when he started, to his departure, he consistantly squared off against the heavyweights with many close bouts with names such as Real Talk, Deniro B Milk and Left Field, amongst other established names, also with noteable wins over names such as Beast Lee (aka Illimit) and Askari (and even himself lol). A muchly well deserved spot in the HOF catagory. My hat is off to this gentleman. Cheers." - TalkSick
"Meta4 just had so much fucking swag. So many poeple before him was doing nothing but shitty nameplay and "put blank in a box" rhymes. He was one of the first guys to really have a distinctively laid back style of writing, and he always had some of the craziest ideas on the site. There's a reason he was considered on par with a lot of the agreed upon GOATS like Real talk and Illimit. I'll state this...even to this day over a decade later Meta4's ability to have a controlled, smooth flowing swag about his verses is probably the number one thing I'm still trying to emulate in my own." - Louie Dawgs
Letsbeef.com honours: MahVulus, by inducting him into the Letsbeef Text: Hall Of Fame!
Last edited by Kiwi Peewee; 04-16-2020 at 02:17 AM.
01-03-2013, 11:37 AM
Ranked Text Record 99 Won / 0 Lost
Join Date: Mar 2010
audio / 906
Posts: 24,926
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Tagged: 89 Thread(s)
Inductee: Meta4 / MahVulus
Hall Of Fame Inductee
Hall Of Famer
So AmaZin!!!
Hall Of Famer
Hall Of Famer
Grand Champion
Meta4 aka So AmAzIn was one of the original swag battlers. Much in the mold of Conceited (although more advanced), MahVulus battled with flow and an insane punch count, and could carry a multi scheme throughout an entire 16 with a haymaker punchline in every bar. Beating the greats such as Real Talk & LEFT FIELD is no mean feat, and it's one that - with his swagger - MahVulus made it look decidedly easy. Another one the LetsBeef original heavyweights, MahVulus went on to win a Grand Championship with Meta4 before revealing that he was also So AmAzIn, which shocked LB to it's core at the time. Both of these accounts - and now MahVulus - gained serious respect, notoriety and recognition for the incredible skill level and swagger displayed in every battled. MahVulus has proved - over 3 seperate names - why he is one of LetsBeef's greatest of all time.
Known Multi Accounts & Aliases
MahVulus became famous for his multi accounts. At the peak of his activity, had you asked anyone who the top 5 battlers on LetsBeef were, most people would probably mention both of his accounts, unaware that they were in fact the same person. Those accounts are: So AmaZin!!! & Meta4
Crew Afflications
Over his three accounts MahVulus has mainly stayed crewless or as an integral member of the crew: Lyrical Killaz.
Present: I AM GOD (Founder & Leader)
Past: Lyrical Killaz (Leader)
Most Acclaimed Victories
Always offering quotable punchlines, MahVulus has beaten virtually every legend the site has to offer. His greatest battle though, it could be argued, was vs himself, when MahVulus and Meta4 went toe to toe in an epic, legendary 32.
MahVulus Vs Meta4
Meta4 Vs BEAST Lee
remarK Vs MahVulus
Mikey DeNiro Vs MahVulus
Site Impact
MahVulus aka So AmAzIn!! aka Meta4 was the original stuck up, egotistical, swaggalicious textcee. That's how he made his stamp, arguable influencing artists like DeNiro B Mlik, Mani Mula and TopNotch in battle technique and persona.
Letsbeef Speaks
"Mahvulus, better known to me as Meta4. A solid "Golden Era" heavy hitter who stood his ground with the best of the best from virtually the birth of Letsbeef.com. Don't be fooled, it was no coincidence this mans name was Meta4 for a reason. He successfully brought creative, original concepts into the Text battle scene that was known throughout the site. From when he started, to his departure, he consistantly squared off against the heavyweights with many close bouts with names such as Real Talk, Deniro B Milk and Left Field, amongst other established names, also with noteable wins over names such as Beast Lee (aka Illimit) and Askari (and even himself lol). A muchly well deserved spot in the HOF catagory. My hat is off to this gentleman. Cheers." - TalkSick
"Meta4 just had so much fucking swag. So many poeple before him was doing nothing but shitty nameplay and "put blank in a box" rhymes. He was one of the first guys to really have a distinctively laid back style of writing, and he always had some of the craziest ideas on the site. There's a reason he was considered on par with a lot of the agreed upon GOATS like Real talk and Illimit. I'll state this...even to this day over a decade later Meta4's ability to have a controlled, smooth flowing swag about his verses is probably the number one thing I'm still trying to emulate in my own." - Louie Dawgs
Letsbeef.com honours: MahVulus, by inducting him into the Letsbeef Text: Hall Of Fame!
Last edited by Kiwi Peewee; 04-16-2020 at 02:17 AM.

01-03-2013, 11:52 AM
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Congrats, well deserved.
01-03-2013, 11:52 AM
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Congrats, well deserved.

01-03-2013, 05:44 PM
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Yooo Mahvy When Ever You Come Back And See This, I Want My Rematch Homie. lmao Congrats
01-03-2013, 05:44 PM
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Yooo Mahvy When Ever You Come Back And See This, I Want My Rematch Homie. lmao Congrats

01-03-2013, 06:04 PM
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 6,812
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Ranked Text Record 4 Won / 0 Lost
---------- Post added at 06:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:03 PM ----------
c11cc1ng Metas name sends me t0 Rea1 Ta1cs page
Originally Posted by Godbody
I'm part German myself.
Fuck off, I got work to do.
01-03-2013, 06:04 PM
Ranked Text Record 4 Won / 0 Lost
Join Date: Jul 2012
audio / 30
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Tagged: 21 Thread(s)
---------- Post added at 06:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:03 PM ----------
c11cc1ng Metas name sends me t0 Rea1 Ta1cs page
Originally Posted by Godbody
I'm part German myself.
Fuck off, I got work to do.

01-04-2013, 01:24 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 10,280
Mentioned: 2504 Post(s)
Tagged: 47 Thread(s)
Ranked Text Record 97 Won / 77 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 6 Won / 2 Lost
01-04-2013, 01:24 PM
Ranked Text Record 97 Won / 77 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 6 Won / 2 Lost
Join Date: Aug 2006
audio / 588
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Mentioned: 2504 Post(s)
Tagged: 47 Thread(s)

01-17-2013, 01:56 AM
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 541
Mentioned: 198 Post(s)
Tagged: 15 Thread(s)
Ranked Audio Record 915 Won / 353 Lost
Ranked Text Record 21 Won / 6 Lost
Congrats Homie, Well Deserved no doubt!!!
Last edited by iiMAGE; 02-13-2013 at 07:53 PM.
01-17-2013, 01:56 AM
Ranked Audio Record 915 Won / 353 Lost
Ranked Text Record 21 Won / 6 Lost
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Posts: 541
Mentioned: 198 Post(s)
Tagged: 15 Thread(s)
Congrats Homie, Well Deserved no doubt!!!
Last edited by iiMAGE; 02-13-2013 at 07:53 PM.

02-18-2013, 08:46 PM
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 6,344
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Ranked Audio Record 49 Won / 4 Lost
Ranked Text Record 707 Won / 77 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 64 Won / 4 Lost
Fair play (if your still alive)
Originally Posted by Mokane
I should be on the TOP 25 you idiots...what are u guys smoking and drinking...WTF...I got descent rhymes...the only thing i've gotten is a hate vote...and i'm still on Basic...it's what makes me the greatest bros.
Originally Posted by Dave
Bebo Letsbeef 2007 Most Improved
Letsbeef 2013 #1 All Time
02-18-2013, 08:46 PM
Ranked Audio Record 49 Won / 4 Lost
Ranked Text Record 707 Won / 77 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 64 Won / 4 Lost
Join Date: May 2007
audio / 4430
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Mentioned: 621 Post(s)
Tagged: 41 Thread(s)
Fair play (if your still alive)
Originally Posted by Mokane
I should be on the TOP 25 you idiots...what are u guys smoking and drinking...WTF...I got descent rhymes...the only thing i've gotten is a hate vote...and i'm still on Basic...it's what makes me the greatest bros.
Originally Posted by Dave
Bebo Letsbeef 2007 Most Improved
Letsbeef 2013 #1 All Time

05-27-2018, 09:25 AM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 4,067
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Ranked Audio Record 2 Won / 1 Lost
Ranked Text Record 237 Won / 67 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 10 Won / 3 Lost
He was also a leader in APOCALYPSE
X-Calibur The leader of ...
... No One Cared Who I Was Until I Put The Mask On ...
Fair Votes Click HERE
05-27-2018, 09:25 AM
Ranked Audio Record 2 Won / 1 Lost
Ranked Text Record 237 Won / 67 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 10 Won / 3 Lost
Join Date: Oct 2006
audio / 1538
Posts: 4,067
Mentioned: 983 Post(s)
Tagged: 15 Thread(s)
He was also a leader in APOCALYPSE
X-Calibur The leader of ...
... No One Cared Who I Was Until I Put The Mask On ...
Fair Votes Click HERE

05-28-2019, 11:57 AM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 989
Mentioned: 2 Post(s)
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Ranked Text Record 99 Won / 41 Lost
I did not know they were the same people hahaha I thought So Amazin just randomly disappeared lol. Glad I got this closure lol congrats
Originally Posted by Raiko Raw
$iMiLe's Whole Verse Was The Killa Season!!!!
Cypher $imile's Cyphers
$$${Pump Whipped Out}$$$ - Cypher $imile, Black Ceasor, TopNotch, True Story, So Amazin!!!
"im the best" is SAID-BY-DA-FOOL, im da type to "Cop Tons/Cotton" like i TRED-WIT-DA-WOOL (psh), U "Will Be Rolling" when u "Feel Me Bowling" and bout to strike when i snuff and "Kill The Codein/Dean" But Not Da HEAD-OF-THE-SCHOOL!! (im high!! lol)
05-28-2019, 11:57 AM
Ranked Text Record 99 Won / 41 Lost
Join Date: Feb 2006
0 audio / 0 text
Posts: 989
Mentioned: 2 Post(s)
Tagged: 0 Thread(s)
I did not know they were the same people hahaha I thought So Amazin just randomly disappeared lol. Glad I got this closure lol congrats
Originally Posted by Raiko Raw
$iMiLe's Whole Verse Was The Killa Season!!!!
Cypher $imile's Cyphers
$$${Pump Whipped Out}$$$ - Cypher $imile, Black Ceasor, TopNotch, True Story, So Amazin!!!
"im the best" is SAID-BY-DA-FOOL, im da type to "Cop Tons/Cotton" like i TRED-WIT-DA-WOOL (psh), U "Will Be Rolling" when u "Feel Me Bowling" and bout to strike when i snuff and "Kill The Codein/Dean" But Not Da HEAD-OF-THE-SCHOOL!! (im high!! lol)

04-16-2020, 02:17 AM
Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 1,222
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Ranked Text Record 57 Won / 17 Lost
Added LB Speaks segment from @ Louie Dawgs
04-16-2020, 02:17 AM
Ranked Text Record 57 Won / 17 Lost
Join Date: Feb 2019
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Tagged: 23 Thread(s)
Added LB Speaks segment from @ Louie Dawgs
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