
07-10-2012, 06:25 PM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 5,926
Mentioned: 1840 Post(s)
Tagged: 99 Thread(s)
Ranked Audio Record 6 Won / 2 Lost
Ranked Text Record 132 Won / 35 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 5 Won / 2 Lost
Inductee: RULE
Hall Of Fame Inductee
Hall Of Famer
LBA Champion
Grand Champion
Rookie Champion
Hall Of Famer
Grand Champion
Topical Champion
RULE debuted on Letsbeef in August of 2009, and quietly began elevating his skills over the next few months whilst making his presence known more and more on the sites forums. By December of that year he'd managed to create enough buzz (some of which was down to his cypher - How To Rob A Letsbeef Textcee)... to be put in the running for the Rookie Of The Year award for 09' that he ended up winning in a finals clash Vs the years other stand-out newcomer - Krhyme Killz. RULE's continued elevation in skill and popularity lead to a Grand Championship victory, upsetting the Hall Of Famer: UNKNOWN ARTIST in an unforgettable final battle. Along with his quick elevation to top tier status, RULE is also well known for the creation of the well known crew: Classick At Rhymin. The crew mirrored the rise of its creator, being that it was known for its elevation talents and fairly quick rise to prominence. Over the years RULE acquired numerous accolades and tournament achievements, and became a fundamental part of the site from '09 to '12, with some branding him the "John Cena" of LB because of his becoming the top face of the site during that time. RULE was modded in 2011 and then made the Head Of Text for the site a few months later. Although his output of battling has dwindled over time, RULE's legacy will forever be remembered.
Known Multi Accounts & Aliases
Originally known only as RULE, he created a multi account called Revan for battling under-the-radar. His original account glitched however forcing him to use his secondary account permanently, hence for the reason why the names were switched on the accounts. With the RULE account, he was able to remain undefeated in 80 text battles, a feat few have been able to achieve against strong opponents. Other than Revan, RULE has two other accounts that he uses rarely. Those accounts are: Wargrave & SToBBaRT. For a short while RULE was also briefly known as Fhenomenal.
Crew Affiliations
RULE has had a few brief runs in some other crews but has spent the majority of his time in Classick At Rhymin, the crew he created with HVK and has led to prominence since late 2009. RULE has spent some considerable time in the solo crew he created called: I Am Legend, which currently hosts his multi-accounts. Other short-lived crews he has ran include: K.U.S.H, The Punchline Kingz & The Regulators.
Present: The Regulators (Founder & Leader)
Past: Classick At Rhymin (Founder & Leader)
I Am Legend (Founder & Leader)
Hoodrich All Stars (Leader)
Most Acclaimed Victories
RULE's first taste of heavyweight victories came in the Basic Text Tournament 6, in which he was able to defeat HVK, Mayneak & UNKNOWN ARTIST on his path to the championship. From that moment on he has faced and defeated many of the sites most respected lyricists, names include DeNiro B Milk, EJT, SoupErb, Mr SPLAT, Olde English, Krhyme Killz, UNKNOWN ARTIST, Huey Jazz, Rain Matrix, HVK, Pronto Banks, Mayneak etc etc...
Mayneak Vs RULE
Olde English Vs RULE
DeNiro B Milk Vs RULE
HVK Vs Revan
Site Impact
RULE's biggest impact was probably leading the charge in an era which saw so many legends disappearing from the site. Letsbeef was entering a new period and RULE emerged as the face of it. He also started using a punch-heavy style of battling most describe as "relentless" in which he attempts to out-punch his opponent with sheer volume. He is also considered by far, the best tournament host on the site. I think that over-time his most everlasting legacy will be as much his efforts as a Head Text Moderator and particularly his work on the LB History sections as his battling resume.
Besides starting the Hall Of Fame section, winning the grand championship tournament etc., here are some achievements you might have not known: Cypher Of The Year 2009, 2010 & 2011, Textcee Of The Year 2010 & 2011, Best Tournament Host 2010 & 2011, Most In-Demand 2011, Biggest Contributor 2011, Best LetsBeef Member 2011, Forum King 2012, Audio Battle Of The Year 2012, Topical Battle Of The Year 2012, Best Tourney Host 2012 & Most In-Demand 2012.
Letsbeef Speaks
"I believe when I first started getting on LetsBeef, RULE was the talk of the town, EVERYONE wanted to battle RULE, and I wasn't surprised judging on his bars, he uses that ruthless punchline after punchline style that he adapted & mastered, he is, The Punchline King. On top of that, RULE was always and still is "the people's champ" type of person, gaining the love of the people by being humble & helping around, in fact, he is the reason I'm considered anything over a mid-tier battler, as he helped me elevate from square one, moreover, he got me into making tracks! RULE is like the spirit of LB, I don't think LB would be half as active/exciting if he wasn't around. I've known him for about 2 years now & I believe he is a true LB legend who earned his spot next to all others & I'm glad I've known him for so long, Congratz fam, Classick!" -AfterThought
"As far as contribution to the website is concerned, Rule's is unparalleled. Being one of the best texters of all time and also being arguably the best moderator of all time has solidified RULE as not only a Hall of Fame textcee, but as having one of the single largest influences anyone has had on this site, ever. Its not often that you find a text head that is also very capable of stepping into the audio arena and handling his own, and RULE does just that. If there was an overall Hall of Fame induction, I believe RULE would deserve it. I have the utmost respect for RULE and what he is done on this site.. The Hall of Fame induction is a no brainer." - Ticket
"RULE, RULE, RULE… Where do I begin? Well I’ll start by saying this is one of the most calm & collected men I have ever spoken to on LetsBeef.com; But if you get on the wrong/bad side of him, he WILL pick apart your dignity by verbally raping you and washing away any respect he ever had for you, without leaving any sign of a struggle – Better know that! Anyway, when RULE first came to LetsBeef.com, he, like no other, was VERY quick to learn the basics of Text Battling and then proceeded to battle and hold his own against the ‘Veterans/Heavyweights’ of the Text Battling scene at the time. He always stayed supportive, and after months on end of constant hosting of Tournaments, helping people elevate (including myself) and generally being a nice guy… RULE finally became a Moderator and to this day is STILL dropping dope battles, hosting tournaments and helping people elevate! All in all, whether other people agree or disagree, RULE’s hard work has paid off and he has earned his place in the Hall Of Fame. #CLASSICK u BASTID!" - SoupErb
"RULE. When you speak the man's name he demands that it's in all caps and rightfuly so. He came into the game a like-able rookie. A few years later a hall of famer. Over the years i've watched Rule blossom into a top tier battler who has also been able to get other "Legends" to come out of retirement to battle him...(not to mention he won alot of them). CONTRIBUTIONS. RULE may very well be the king of letsbeef during the last couple years due to the fact he has done more for any site than I've been on. To the point where the site wouldn't be half as active if this guy didn't log on. You brag and boast about all the legends that dont log on and how the site needs them but, if RULE left the site there's a good chance it would make a major impact. From running tourney's, dropping classick cyphers, to contributing to the entire site as a whole RULE is in a class of his own. Forget the championship he's won, the legends he's beat, CONTRIBUTIONS ALONE RULE DESERVES HALL OF FAME. He's the only person I can say that about and not have a doubt in my mind. He has kids at home, a wife, but still managed to make letsbeef what it is to this day. Can you name another person who fits that bill? NO. CLASSICK. RULE has shaped todays up and comers into form to solidify letsbeefs future as a website. Without up and comers the future wouldn't look as bright. One of the long standing crews of this era, CLASSICK. There isn't too often that I would speak so highly of a person but in this case RULE is the KING of letsbeef. For awhile he was a king without a crown, but with this induction into the hall, he has his thrown to sit comfortably in. Let's celebrate the king of letsbeef in the appropriate manner. Forget he has a GC title, but remember what he has done for the site, and embrace it. I'd hate to see the day RULE leaves letsbeef, but till then, LONG LIVE THE KING." - Erupt
"since I first started letsbeef in 09, I had one mission and it was to get better! I knew by battling better guys I would elevate. But I seen rule in the forums and in the battle field.. And I said to my self I got to get better before battling this dude.. Dude is deff one of the best to bless this site hands down..From the flow to the multis to the punches to the creativity, rule got it! I remember my first few text battles , everyone would give me shit and say how I was a noob and I sucked.. They said get better with practice.. But never explained on how I should get better.Or what I can do to get better.. That's when rule stepped in.. He broke down multis ( cuz I didn't know what they were) broke down punches ( didn't know what they were) . He explained everything I needed to know! And I took his words and just elevated hard.. I don't know about what anyone thinks, but I think I'm pretty dope.. And I owe it to rule for putting me on.. Without him I would be sounding like panther. Congrats homie! U deff deserve it, this shit is long over due if u ask me! Much respect to RULE. Dude been legit since day 1 , and on toP of that he is the most solid mod. God bless." - Haz
"Congratulations to RULE definitely well deserved, from his quality of battles to the time and effort he contributes to the website to try and make it better. Rule is a text cat who has dominated that field but even when it comes to the audio side of things he is a threat and major competition to any battler on the site. If you ever need assistance he never turns you away and is always glad to help whether it be with tips and advice or even to resolve a issue you might be having with a battle. Rule is a top tier member of Letsbeef.com and even though he is a HOF inductee we hope to hear more of his music and listen (read) some more of his great battles." - S K I T T
Letsbeef.com thanks & honours: RULE, by inducting him into the Letsbeef Text: Hall Of Fame!
Last edited by RULE; 05-31-2014 at 06:51 AM.
07-10-2012, 06:25 PM
Ranked Audio Record 6 Won / 2 Lost
Ranked Text Record 132 Won / 35 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 5 Won / 2 Lost
Join Date: Dec 2009
audio / 656
Posts: 5,926
Mentioned: 1840 Post(s)
Tagged: 99 Thread(s)
Inductee: RULE
Hall Of Fame Inductee
Hall Of Famer
LBA Champion
Grand Champion
Rookie Champion
Hall Of Famer
Grand Champion
Topical Champion
RULE debuted on Letsbeef in August of 2009, and quietly began elevating his skills over the next few months whilst making his presence known more and more on the sites forums. By December of that year he'd managed to create enough buzz (some of which was down to his cypher - How To Rob A Letsbeef Textcee)... to be put in the running for the Rookie Of The Year award for 09' that he ended up winning in a finals clash Vs the years other stand-out newcomer - Krhyme Killz. RULE's continued elevation in skill and popularity lead to a Grand Championship victory, upsetting the Hall Of Famer: UNKNOWN ARTIST in an unforgettable final battle. Along with his quick elevation to top tier status, RULE is also well known for the creation of the well known crew: Classick At Rhymin. The crew mirrored the rise of its creator, being that it was known for its elevation talents and fairly quick rise to prominence. Over the years RULE acquired numerous accolades and tournament achievements, and became a fundamental part of the site from '09 to '12, with some branding him the "John Cena" of LB because of his becoming the top face of the site during that time. RULE was modded in 2011 and then made the Head Of Text for the site a few months later. Although his output of battling has dwindled over time, RULE's legacy will forever be remembered.
Known Multi Accounts & Aliases
Originally known only as RULE, he created a multi account called Revan for battling under-the-radar. His original account glitched however forcing him to use his secondary account permanently, hence for the reason why the names were switched on the accounts. With the RULE account, he was able to remain undefeated in 80 text battles, a feat few have been able to achieve against strong opponents. Other than Revan, RULE has two other accounts that he uses rarely. Those accounts are: Wargrave & SToBBaRT. For a short while RULE was also briefly known as Fhenomenal.
Crew Affiliations
RULE has had a few brief runs in some other crews but has spent the majority of his time in Classick At Rhymin, the crew he created with HVK and has led to prominence since late 2009. RULE has spent some considerable time in the solo crew he created called: I Am Legend, which currently hosts his multi-accounts. Other short-lived crews he has ran include: K.U.S.H, The Punchline Kingz & The Regulators.
Present: The Regulators (Founder & Leader)
Past: Classick At Rhymin (Founder & Leader)
I Am Legend (Founder & Leader)
Hoodrich All Stars (Leader)
Most Acclaimed Victories
RULE's first taste of heavyweight victories came in the Basic Text Tournament 6, in which he was able to defeat HVK, Mayneak & UNKNOWN ARTIST on his path to the championship. From that moment on he has faced and defeated many of the sites most respected lyricists, names include DeNiro B Milk, EJT, SoupErb, Mr SPLAT, Olde English, Krhyme Killz, UNKNOWN ARTIST, Huey Jazz, Rain Matrix, HVK, Pronto Banks, Mayneak etc etc...
Mayneak Vs RULE
Olde English Vs RULE
DeNiro B Milk Vs RULE
HVK Vs Revan
Site Impact
RULE's biggest impact was probably leading the charge in an era which saw so many legends disappearing from the site. Letsbeef was entering a new period and RULE emerged as the face of it. He also started using a punch-heavy style of battling most describe as "relentless" in which he attempts to out-punch his opponent with sheer volume. He is also considered by far, the best tournament host on the site. I think that over-time his most everlasting legacy will be as much his efforts as a Head Text Moderator and particularly his work on the LB History sections as his battling resume.
Besides starting the Hall Of Fame section, winning the grand championship tournament etc., here are some achievements you might have not known: Cypher Of The Year 2009, 2010 & 2011, Textcee Of The Year 2010 & 2011, Best Tournament Host 2010 & 2011, Most In-Demand 2011, Biggest Contributor 2011, Best LetsBeef Member 2011, Forum King 2012, Audio Battle Of The Year 2012, Topical Battle Of The Year 2012, Best Tourney Host 2012 & Most In-Demand 2012.
Letsbeef Speaks
"I believe when I first started getting on LetsBeef, RULE was the talk of the town, EVERYONE wanted to battle RULE, and I wasn't surprised judging on his bars, he uses that ruthless punchline after punchline style that he adapted & mastered, he is, The Punchline King. On top of that, RULE was always and still is "the people's champ" type of person, gaining the love of the people by being humble & helping around, in fact, he is the reason I'm considered anything over a mid-tier battler, as he helped me elevate from square one, moreover, he got me into making tracks! RULE is like the spirit of LB, I don't think LB would be half as active/exciting if he wasn't around. I've known him for about 2 years now & I believe he is a true LB legend who earned his spot next to all others & I'm glad I've known him for so long, Congratz fam, Classick!" -AfterThought
"As far as contribution to the website is concerned, Rule's is unparalleled. Being one of the best texters of all time and also being arguably the best moderator of all time has solidified RULE as not only a Hall of Fame textcee, but as having one of the single largest influences anyone has had on this site, ever. Its not often that you find a text head that is also very capable of stepping into the audio arena and handling his own, and RULE does just that. If there was an overall Hall of Fame induction, I believe RULE would deserve it. I have the utmost respect for RULE and what he is done on this site.. The Hall of Fame induction is a no brainer." - Ticket
"RULE, RULE, RULE… Where do I begin? Well I’ll start by saying this is one of the most calm & collected men I have ever spoken to on LetsBeef.com; But if you get on the wrong/bad side of him, he WILL pick apart your dignity by verbally raping you and washing away any respect he ever had for you, without leaving any sign of a struggle – Better know that! Anyway, when RULE first came to LetsBeef.com, he, like no other, was VERY quick to learn the basics of Text Battling and then proceeded to battle and hold his own against the ‘Veterans/Heavyweights’ of the Text Battling scene at the time. He always stayed supportive, and after months on end of constant hosting of Tournaments, helping people elevate (including myself) and generally being a nice guy… RULE finally became a Moderator and to this day is STILL dropping dope battles, hosting tournaments and helping people elevate! All in all, whether other people agree or disagree, RULE’s hard work has paid off and he has earned his place in the Hall Of Fame. #CLASSICK u BASTID!" - SoupErb
"RULE. When you speak the man's name he demands that it's in all caps and rightfuly so. He came into the game a like-able rookie. A few years later a hall of famer. Over the years i've watched Rule blossom into a top tier battler who has also been able to get other "Legends" to come out of retirement to battle him...(not to mention he won alot of them). CONTRIBUTIONS. RULE may very well be the king of letsbeef during the last couple years due to the fact he has done more for any site than I've been on. To the point where the site wouldn't be half as active if this guy didn't log on. You brag and boast about all the legends that dont log on and how the site needs them but, if RULE left the site there's a good chance it would make a major impact. From running tourney's, dropping classick cyphers, to contributing to the entire site as a whole RULE is in a class of his own. Forget the championship he's won, the legends he's beat, CONTRIBUTIONS ALONE RULE DESERVES HALL OF FAME. He's the only person I can say that about and not have a doubt in my mind. He has kids at home, a wife, but still managed to make letsbeef what it is to this day. Can you name another person who fits that bill? NO. CLASSICK. RULE has shaped todays up and comers into form to solidify letsbeefs future as a website. Without up and comers the future wouldn't look as bright. One of the long standing crews of this era, CLASSICK. There isn't too often that I would speak so highly of a person but in this case RULE is the KING of letsbeef. For awhile he was a king without a crown, but with this induction into the hall, he has his thrown to sit comfortably in. Let's celebrate the king of letsbeef in the appropriate manner. Forget he has a GC title, but remember what he has done for the site, and embrace it. I'd hate to see the day RULE leaves letsbeef, but till then, LONG LIVE THE KING." - Erupt
"since I first started letsbeef in 09, I had one mission and it was to get better! I knew by battling better guys I would elevate. But I seen rule in the forums and in the battle field.. And I said to my self I got to get better before battling this dude.. Dude is deff one of the best to bless this site hands down..From the flow to the multis to the punches to the creativity, rule got it! I remember my first few text battles , everyone would give me shit and say how I was a noob and I sucked.. They said get better with practice.. But never explained on how I should get better.Or what I can do to get better.. That's when rule stepped in.. He broke down multis ( cuz I didn't know what they were) broke down punches ( didn't know what they were) . He explained everything I needed to know! And I took his words and just elevated hard.. I don't know about what anyone thinks, but I think I'm pretty dope.. And I owe it to rule for putting me on.. Without him I would be sounding like panther. Congrats homie! U deff deserve it, this shit is long over due if u ask me! Much respect to RULE. Dude been legit since day 1 , and on toP of that he is the most solid mod. God bless." - Haz
"Congratulations to RULE definitely well deserved, from his quality of battles to the time and effort he contributes to the website to try and make it better. Rule is a text cat who has dominated that field but even when it comes to the audio side of things he is a threat and major competition to any battler on the site. If you ever need assistance he never turns you away and is always glad to help whether it be with tips and advice or even to resolve a issue you might be having with a battle. Rule is a top tier member of Letsbeef.com and even though he is a HOF inductee we hope to hear more of his music and listen (read) some more of his great battles." - S K I T T
Letsbeef.com thanks & honours: RULE, by inducting him into the Letsbeef Text: Hall Of Fame!
Last edited by RULE; 05-31-2014 at 06:51 AM.

07-10-2012, 06:31 PM
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 575
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Ranked Text Record 7 Won / 4 Lost
07-10-2012, 06:31 PM
Basic Member
Ranked Text Record 7 Won / 4 Lost
Join Date: May 2012
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Posts: 575
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Tagged: 5 Thread(s)

07-10-2012, 06:33 PM
Join Date: Oct 2011
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Ranked Text Record 30 Won / 38 Lost
Finally, Congratz man.
Originally Posted by Streetz Da Hood
His face tho.... like u could tell that nigga was lookin at somethin serious.. that nigga prolly seen tana's career....
07-10-2012, 06:33 PM
Ranked Text Record 30 Won / 38 Lost
Join Date: Oct 2011
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Tagged: 32 Thread(s)
Finally, Congratz man.
Originally Posted by Streetz Da Hood
His face tho.... like u could tell that nigga was lookin at somethin serious.. that nigga prolly seen tana's career....

07-10-2012, 06:37 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Ranked Audio Record 3 Won / 4 Lost
Ranked Text Record 306 Won / 112 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 9 Won / 7 Lost
Never doubted you for a second, big guy.
Lets see what the future holds for you.
07-10-2012, 06:37 PM
Ranked Audio Record 3 Won / 4 Lost
Ranked Text Record 306 Won / 112 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 9 Won / 7 Lost
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Never doubted you for a second, big guy.
Lets see what the future holds for you.

07-10-2012, 06:50 PM
Join Date: May 2011
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Ranked Audio Record 4 Won / 0 Lost
Ranked Text Record 30 Won / 8 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 1 Won / 1 Lost
07-10-2012, 06:50 PM
Hall Of Famer
Ranked Audio Record 4 Won / 0 Lost
Ranked Text Record 30 Won / 8 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 1 Won / 1 Lost
Join Date: May 2011
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Tagged: 76 Thread(s)

07-10-2012, 06:52 PM
Join Date: Mar 2010
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Ranked Text Record 99 Won / 0 Lost
AT you mad sneaky getting this done lol.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words.
07-10-2012, 06:52 PM
Ranked Text Record 99 Won / 0 Lost
Join Date: Mar 2010
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Tagged: 89 Thread(s)
AT you mad sneaky getting this done lol.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words.

07-10-2012, 06:57 PM
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Ranked Audio Record 62 Won / 1 Lost
Ranked Text Record 75 Won / 24 Lost
Congrats man.
07-10-2012, 06:57 PM
Ranked Audio Record 62 Won / 1 Lost
Ranked Text Record 75 Won / 24 Lost
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Congrats man.

07-10-2012, 07:14 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Ranked Text Record 145 Won / 55 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 6 Won / 3 Lost
Put the HoF Plaque up right next to his model of the Millennium Falcon.
07-10-2012, 07:14 PM
Ranked Text Record 145 Won / 55 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 6 Won / 3 Lost
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Put the HoF Plaque up right next to his model of the Millennium Falcon.

07-10-2012, 07:15 PM
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Ranked Audio Record 32 Won / 13 Lost
Ranked Text Record 249 Won / 72 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 2 Won / 2 Lost
Congrats RULE!
07-10-2012, 07:15 PM
Ranked Audio Record 32 Won / 13 Lost
Ranked Text Record 249 Won / 72 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 2 Won / 2 Lost
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Congrats RULE!

07-10-2012, 07:19 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
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Ranked Audio Record 5 Won / 5 Lost
Ranked Text Record 34 Won / 35 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 1 Won / 0 Lost
07-10-2012, 07:19 PM
Ranked Audio Record 5 Won / 5 Lost
Ranked Text Record 34 Won / 35 Lost
Exclusive Text Record 1 Won / 0 Lost
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