Ok, easy... I'll start off w/ two bars too set tha tempo.
Next person does two bars, one complete'n tha PREVIOUS CONCEPT, then tha next startin a new.
Tha person after that will follow suit, So there will always be a spot for some1 to finish a concept and start one. STATE UR CONCEPT AT THA END()
..Bars for Hawt Dayum btw.
For boi to get tha "Big Picture" I gotta AIM AT HIS JAW, Then 'HANG IT' ON DAWG & Yall kno wen Great-heat-clap I'll leave 'H.D. FLAT' w/ his 'FRAME ON THA WALL'!! Lolz, w/ lines like that i shud 'SALE T.V.'s'. & these postal letters were MAILED W/ EASE, So jus to "clear up tha static" I'll sit bak & make this "L SEE D"!!..(tv's)